Maisie Joy’s Story
We welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Maisie Joy, on Feb 21, 2021. Our lives were forever changed.
After a heathy and uneventful pregnancy, and going into labor spontaneously the night before her due date, Maisie was born at 5:59pm the following day. She was 6 pounds and 12 ounces. Cute as a button.
And she lived for only 46 minutes.
Losing a child is unfathomable.
Our hearts are broken, shattered to pieces. Our pain is deep and visceral. My body aches for her. My mind still can’t comprehend that we lost a daughter and lost the future that we had envisioned. Grief is now a permanent fixture in our lives.
But to know grief is to know love. This boundless, forever kind of love. And to my sweet darling daughter, you are deeply and eternally loved.
Later we found out Maisie died of an Acute Asphyxia Pneumonia. And our OB/Midwife team, Pathologist, Neonatal Care team don’t know why or how this happened as Maisie was genetically healthy and showed no signs of distress in the womb. What we learned is that neonatal death happens in 4 out of every 1,000 live births in the US. Some explained and others not. A 0.4% chance of this happening and we were one of the unlucky ones.
To those parents who have lost babies before, during or after childbirth, we see you and our hearts are with you. This is no club a mother or father wants to join, but yet here we are - learning to survive the unimaginable.
In memory of Maisie and to raise awareness and advocate for those mamas who carry their children in their heart instead of their arms, we wanted to create this space, MaisieJoy.org.
While Maisie is no longer physically here, her legacy will continue to grow and live on. And we hope you can join us in sharing her story.